Category Archives: Video
Self Massage 16 – Symptoms2
- The Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
- The Levator Scapulae
- The Omohyoid
- The Digastric
Dizziness / Meniere’s Disease:
- Vestibulocochlear Nerve
- The Spinalis Capitis
- The Splenius Capitis
Charley Horse:
- The Tibialis Posterior
- The Rectus Femoris (origin)
* Based on the practitioner’s experiences and his own theory. No scientific evidence is provided. To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.
Self Massage 15 – Symptoms1
Casey T, a Hawaii State licensed therapist, teaches how to self-massage using your own body weight. The instructions are intended to ease severe muscle stiffness and not for relaxation. Video No.15 of the series explains how muscle stiffness causes various symptoms.* Lower back pain:
- The Groin
- The Hamstrings
- The Psoas Major
- The Iliacus
- The Quadratus Lumborum (QL)
The Buttocks Constipation/Indigestion:
- The Brain Stem
- The Vagus Nerve
* Based on the practitioner’s experiences and his own theory. No scientific evidence is provided. To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.
Self Massage 14 – Inner Hip
- The Psoas Major
- The Iliacus
To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.
Self Massage 13 – Arms
- The Biceps Brachii
- The Triceps Brachii
- The Brachialis
The Forearm muscles:
- The Brachioradialis
- The Extensor Digitorum
- The Extensor Carpi Radialis/Ulnaris
- The Extensor Digiti Minimi
- The Flexor Carpi Radialis
- The Palmaris Longus
To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.
Self Massage 12 – Neck
Casey T, a Hawaii State licensed therapist, teaches how to self-massage using your own body weight. The instructions are intended to ease severe muscle stiffness and not for relaxation. Video No.12 of the series shows how to self-massage the neck muscles. As mentioned in the video, please be extra careful when you work on the neck muscles as there are jugular veins and carotid arteries. The Neck muscles (front/side):
- The Sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
- The Levator Scapulae
- The Omohyoid
- The Sternohyoid
- The Scalene (Anterior/Medius/Posterior)
- The Digastric
The Neck muscles (rear):
- The Spinalis Capitis
- The Splenius Capitis
To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.
Self Massage 11 – Shoulders2
Casey T, a Hawaii State licensed therapist, teaches how to self-massage using your own body weight. The instructions are intended to ease severe muscle stiffness and not for relaxation. Video No.11 of the series shows how to self-massage the teres minor, one of the rotator cuff muscles. To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.
Self Massage 10 – Shoulders1
- The Supraspinatus
- The Infraspinatus
- The Rhomboid Major/Minor
- The Levator Scapulae
To purchase the massage wood tools, please click here.